To Mordor

After viewing the video series A Simple Walk into Mordor three of my best friends and I decided to follow in the footsteps of the two intrepid nerds who journey to Mordor. If you don’t want to spend the time to watch the series, let me sum it up for you:

The film set of the Shire and the film set of Mordor in New Zealand are approximately 120 miles apart (193 km). Hiking from the Shire to Mordor takes approximately 7 days. The gentlemen in this series completed this hike, and additionally hid a replica of the one ring there.

My friends and I propose something slightly more complex, just for fun: a 552 mile (888 km) hike from the Shire, to Rivendell (A New Zealand national park), to Moria, to Mordor. This trip would take somewhere between 27 and 30 days. As we were planning to study abroad in New Zealand anyway, the only real change to our plans is that either before or after the semester that we spend in school we’ll be doing this hike.

As we’re not physically capable of a hike like this right now, we’re going to begin training for it next week. Like the Rooster Teeth group, we’re going to film the whole trip, although we will also be filming our training. We might eventually come to our senses and realize that we are attempting the insane, but right now we’re just going to go for it.

I intended to post this yesterday, but today discovered that it was just sitting in my “Drafts” folder on WordPress. I feel rather foolish about that.

On other matters, classes start tomorrow. I’ve got Russian II and three Computer Sciences Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The only one of those that I’m really worried about is Russian. I’m quite rusty since last semester, even though I fully intended to use Rosetta Stone over the break. It kinda…. didn’t happen.

On a brighter note, most people have returned to my dormitory and it feels wonderful to have everybody here again. I feel like the month-long break was too long, although that isn’t a very popular opinion.

As far as writing is concerned, I tragically didn’t write that short story over the break, and it’s my own fault for doing so, but I prioritized and spent the last few days saying my farewells to friends rather than writing. I do like the idea that I came up with though, and I may have cause to employ it in my Creative Writing class this semester. That class appears to be the writing and revision of two short stories, and I think I could probably use my previous concept for one of them.

Now, it’s my last day before class. What catastrophes await me today? I’m gonna go find out now. See you later Internet!

Today’s First Sentence: At first I thought that my pillow falling from my bed had awakened me, but upon opening my eyes I discovered the cause was far more sinister.