The Dirge of the Dead Lizard (To be extended)

My white tail flashes in the sun

Whilst over boulders I do run

Through coolest shade and scorching heat

To where the many rivers meet

We hide, we climb, we scamper

We dance, we run, we canter

Away from hawks soaring high

And arrows, arrows, from the sky.

I’ve spent most of the last two days hunting down lizards in Shadow of the Colossus. Why, you might ask? I have NOTHING to do. I’m really looking forward to classes starting tomorrow, because this is just agonizing. I know the homework will be rather unpleasant, but I can deal with that. Having a sense of purpose will be nice.

As for the above attempt at poetry, I have grown to hate these lizards with a burning passion. They’re a pain to find, a pain to kill, and the benefit for each one is negligible. It’s maddening.

I need to go to bed early tonight, so I’ll just end this here. Farewell Internet.

Today’s First Sentence: It was that fateful day on which I would develop my lifelong phobia of reptiles.