Attempt #2

I tried to blog earlier, but it may have been the most scatterbrained that my writing has ever been, so I think I’ll spare you from it and start afresh. Today has been a pretty easy day. My English class was only a ten-minute conference with my professor, and we had a half-day in economics. On top of that I received a phone call from a dear friend. Sure, he may have called during class while my phone wasn’t silenced, but I’m very glad that he did. I may have a chance to see him next week! I also got a text from my future roommate, Luke, indicating that we may be able to hang out in the near future, anther exciting prospect.

Overall today I’ve been taking stock of my connections to other people. I scroll through my list of online facebook friends and see 16 people that I’d like to talk to, but there’s no way that I can possibly juggle that many conversations at once, so I end up not talking to any of them.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the next month or so, specifically. I finish summer session next week, and after that I have a brief respite at hom before plunging into the intimidating depths of Russian Camp. While the camp is happening here at AppState, there will be a great many high school students in attendance. I suspect that it will end up being a painfully controlled environment, the kind of perpetually chaperoned silliness that I haven’t had to deal with for a year. I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it gracefully. That’s where the above-mentioned connections come in. I’ve really been speculating as to whether/how I might leverage the people that I know to get out of the restrictions imposed upon the high school students in attendance. Not to perform any flagrant abuse of privilege or anything, but to spend time with friends living elsewhere in Boone. A recently-acquired friend may run a D&D campaign during that time, and I’d like to be able to leave on weeknights and attend. Sigh…

I’m basing my fears about this camp on an email that they sent out with the acceptance notifications. It mentioned everyone having to turn their car keys in for the duration of the camp. Sorry, but that’s worryingly intrusive to me, and there’s little chance of that happening. If I can find any way around it, I will.

I also just got to talk to a friend in France for a while, and it was refreshing to nerd out about writing and books. I didn’t realize how much I missed such conversation.

Goodnight Internet, I’m done writing for now.